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DSA Data Learning
Workshops and Coaching

Empowering people with data literacy
and do-it-yourself data science.

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Why data literacy?

Lifelong learning is the new education paradigm. Employees need a much broader knowledge bandwidth than ever before. Computer literacy and digital know-how are a prerequisite, but a major skill gap remains: it’s data literacy.


Organizations traditionally keep pace with the digital world by buying tools, hiring consultants or data science teams. Which is of course absolutely needed. But employees often feel daunted and left out.


There is a third aspect to making your digital strategy stick together: data literacy for all.

Why Choose DSA Data Learning?

Why learn data science?

In any job we struggle with data, often not aware that there is a much smarter and quicker way.

Save time: hours-long repetitive tasks can be cut down to a few minutes or seconds only.

Automate: you will learn about replicability to automate most of the tasks you perform manually today.

Take smarter decisions: data science methods help you to better question and understand your data and take data-based decisions.

Communicate better: from the narrative to the many export formats, learn science-based methods to communicate your intention and results.
Open source: we use freely available  open source technologies

Surprisingly easy to learn

Your time is precious and starting a data science learning path was probably never an option, but we make it easy for you:

Time-savvy: short learning cycles, about 2 hours per week.

Learning curve: we use the open-source R language and use light coding that reads like a book. You'll be surprised how easy it is to learn.

Hands-on: we make every workshop concrete, from a business problem to building a robust solution together, seamlessly learning a lot of data science along the way.

No prerequisites
, and no prior knowledge needed.

How does it help concretely?

With our innovative learning concepts, we adapt our courses to real-life examples, with toolkits that you will use in your every day life.

The examples are limitless and we will cover a myriad of applications specific to industries and business functions:
Legal | HR | Marketing | Sales Operations | R&D | Health | Market Research | Politics | Journalism | ...

We have a few topics lined up already for our upcoming 2024 workshops series, and more will come.


What will you achieve?

Create Toolkits

You will take home the powerful toolkits we create together, re-using them every day to great effect. 

Build more

Since you will have a taste of successfully creating toolkits, you will have the knowledge and confidence to design other solutions for your future needs.


In addition to the course material (slides, cheat sheets, datasets, ...), you will possess methods to efficiently navigate the countless resources out there, know where to search & find quick solutions.

Data literacy

Understanding data and coding with the R language will become completely natural for you, giving you power over your data and opening new horizons.


Communicating your insights and explaining your decisions is vital to bring everyone on board, you will learn new methods to pick the KPIs that matter and how to leverage data storytelling.

Analysing data

About DSA Data Learning

Empowering Individuals with Data Literacy

Xavier Valdayron - Certified R Instructor - Data Scientist

Xavier Valdayron

Founder, Data Scientist & Certified Instructor


In over 2 decades managing teams and working closely with more than 500 companies in virtually all industries, I have always made heavy use of data: understanding, modelling, explaining and actioning it to lead my teams and my clients to better decisions and highly effective processes.


I have decided to bring this knowledge to everyone and  therefore founded Data Science Apps and DSA Data Learning.

I engaged in this path in 2016, with a data science degree from the Johns Hopkins University and later becoming a certified RStudio instructor.


What I enjoy most is seeing my clients be successful solving their data challenges by themselves, applying data science processes and benefiting from what we covered in our learning-by-doing workshops. 


My international career brought me to the US, France, Germany, ... and clients in over 20 countries. 


While the Workshops Series is in English to cater to an international audience, I provide assistance and support in English, French and German.  

Our world looks more complex every day, data being a reflection of it. Making sense of that data has to come from people in the first place.

At DSA Data Learning, we believe that everyone is smart and can solve most of their data challenges by themselves. 


This is why we are introducing pioneering learning-by-doing concepts around DIY data science. 


Our workshops and coaching sessions are designed to be easy, fun to learn, with immediate and incredibly useful applications. We provide you with the open-source tools and knowledge you need to take control of your data.

Our Workshops

Each of our workshops cover specific business topics that also generalize to wider applications.


These workshops are made for you and your suggestions are very important to us. So please reach out with new ideas. 

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